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第44章 day44

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    1 recession /ri’sen/ n衰退;萧条,不景气

    【例句】it is a direct result of the global economic recession


    2 reconcile /’reknsail/ vt使和好;调和

    3 recur /ri’k:/ vi 复发;再发生

    【例句】a recurring criticism of the uk’s university sector is its perceived weakness in translating new knowledge into new products and services


    4 redundant /ri’dΛndnt/ a多余的,累赘的

    【例句】robots will not make nurses redundant


    5 repel /ri’pel/ vt抵制;击退

    6 reproach /ri’prut/ vt&n批评,指责

    7 resent /ri’zent/ vt怨恨,愤恨

    【例句】simmering (难以平息的) resentment is seldom an aid to education


    8 residential /rezi’denl/ a居住的,住宅的

    【例句】they were divided into residential and business areas


    9 retrospect /’retrspekt/ n回顾,回忆

    10 revenge /ri’vend/ vt&n报复,复仇

    11 revive /ri’vaiv/ v苏醒;复活

    【例句】but rainfall can revive them in a matter of hours


    12 robust /ru’bΛst/ a强壮的;强有力的

    【例句】too many people in this country, including some among our elected leadership, still do not understand how science works or why robust, long-range investments in research vitally matter


    13 safeguard /’seifga:d/ vt&n保护,保卫

    14 segregate /’segrigeit/ vt分离,隔离

    【 例 句 】 like african-americans, mexican-americans are increasingly relegated to ( 降 入 )segregated, substandard schools, and their dropout rate is the highest for any ethnic group in the country


    15 sentiment /’sentimnt/ n感情;情绪

    【例句】some hoped his rise to prominence would have a big impact on white americans, too, challenging those who still harbour racist sentiments


    16 simulate /’simjuleit/ vt模仿;模拟

    17 simultaneous /siml’teinjs/ a同时的,同步的

    【例句】it is more stressful than simultaneous interpreting


    18 skeptical /’skeptikl/ a怀疑的

    19 slaughter /’sl:t/ vt&n屠杀,杀戮

    20 slogan /’slugn/ n口号,标语
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